What We Do
KinderEye is a nonprofit that provides free eye testing and prescription eyeglasses to children in underserved, rural villages in Guyana. Many children come from families that are unable to afford eye care and therefore go months, or even years, with untreated vision problems. By providing school-administered eye testing in primary schools, we ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to thrive in their learning environment.
KinderEye was founded by Mayah Singh, a Guyanese-American freshman at NYU, to provide free eye care to underserved primary schools in Guyana. Growing up as a second-generation immigrant, Mayah was made well aware of the economic and health disparities her relatives endured in Guyana. Now, as a pre-medical student interested in global public health and policy, Mayah strives to give back to her country of ancestry.
Our Process
Teachers identify children that show signs they may need eyeglasses.
Children are transported by bus to the Miracle Vision Care office for eye testing, where they are able to choose the color of their eyeglass frames and cases.
Each custom pair of eyeglasses is distributed to the child during the school day.
Our Goals
Make eye care more accessible in rural communities.
Improve educational equity and outcomes.
Spread awareness of childhood myopia and treatment.